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A website for Navratri Celebration in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai Campus


ShakthiMahotsav is a website developed for the Navratri Celebration at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai Campus.
This project provides a centralized platform for accessing event schedules, cultural activities, and registrations.
By leveraging modern web technologies, it enhances engagement among students and faculty, promoting cultural awareness and community participation.

The website has since been modified and adapted for subsequent events, ensuring its long-term usability for future cultural celebrations.

GitHub Repository | Live Demo


ShakthiMahotsav is a web development project designed to facilitate the Navratri Celebration at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai Campus.
The website serves as an informational hub where students and faculty can access event details, schedules, and participate in cultural programs.
Launched in May 2021, it plays a crucial role in preserving cultural traditions and fostering a strong campus community.


🚀 Key Features

✅ Event Schedule – View a detailed schedule of Navratri celebrations and activities.
📌 Event Registration – Students and faculty can register for competitions and performances.
📸 Gallery – Displays photos and videos from previous Navratri celebrations.
📞 Contact Information – Provides details of event coordinators and organizers.
💬 FAQ & Feedback Section – Addresses common queries and allows participants to share their suggestions.

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React (Vite), ts-particles
  • Backend: PHP, MySQL (used for storing registrations & event data)
  • Hosting: XAMPP (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  • Version Control: GitHub

📸 Screenshots

Gallery and Registration
FAQs and Suggestion Box

📚 How to Use

To set up and run the website locally using XAMPP, follow these steps:

  1. Download & Install XAMPP

    • If not installed, download XAMPP from Apache Friends and install it.
  2. Clone the repository

    Terminal window
    git clone https://github.com/Tr1ck-5t3r/ShaktiMahotsav.git
  3. Move the project to the XAMPP htdocs folder

    • Copy the ShaktiMahotsav folder into:
      • Windows: C:\xampp\htdocs\ShaktiMahotsav
      • Mac/Linux: /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ShaktiMahotsav
  4. Start the XAMPP Server

    • Open XAMPP Control Panel
    • Start Apache and MySQL
  5. Import the Database

    • Open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/)
    • Create a new database (e.g., shakti_db)
    • Click Import and select the SQL file (database/shakti_db.sql) from the project folder.
  6. Run the Website

    • Open a browser and visit:


ShakthiMahotsav is a comprehensive digital platform that enhances the Navratri experience at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
It demonstrates how web technologies can be used to preserve cultural heritage, encourage student participation, and build a stronger community.
The website has since been modified and reused for subsequent events, showcasing its adaptability for future cultural celebrations.
This project contributes to the cultural vibrancy of the institution, ensuring that traditions remain accessible in the digital era.